Monday, April 15, 2013

Notice: You are noticed!

Another thing that Jesus has shown me about His heart for His Beloved:
[Check out previous blog posts to see what else the Lord is giving me deeper understanding of in this situation.]

Jesus notices every single little thing that you do out of your love and commitment to Him. He doesn't need big fancy stuff all the time. Sure, He'd appreciate that, but He never misses the smaller, everyday stuff that you do either. He notices everything! He sees it and appreciates it and is so delighted in you for it! He knows that loving Him is just as important during the mundane everyday life, as it is during the big high's and low's of life. He notices what we do out of our commitment to loving Him every single day. 

You, my friend, are noticed BIG TIME! :) Believe it!! God sees you specifically & individually. You are the apple of His eye. He loves to look at you and see you gazing back at Him. Take confidence that your efforts are totally noticed and will be rewarded in due time! :)

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