Tuesday, April 9, 2013

EVERY Situation

I have a piece of paper in my Bible with a quote from Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest. Ever heard of that devotional? Highly recommended :)
This quote is super challenging and I have yet to do it completely--but I'm also certainly not a saint yet either! But I'm slowly figuring out how to see EVERY situation in the way that Chambers describes...

"A saint sees every situation in which he finds himself as the means of obtaining a greater knowledge of Jesus Christ, and he has an attitude of unrestrained abandon and total surrender about him." 

Some of you may know about the situation I'm in right now. Some of you may not have a clue...But basically all you need to know is that I've really set my heart to see this situation as a way to know and understand Jesus more. A lot of these things I'm seeing are things that I've known and understood pretty well beforehand, but now I've really felt in my own heart on a whole deeper level. I know these are what Jesus is like, but I also feel it for myself. What a wonderful combination!

So anyway, here's one of the things that Jesus has shown me about His heart for His Beloved (aka-His Church--both corporately & individually!)

He LOVES it when you talk to Him about anything. He wants so badly just to hear your voice. It truly delights His heart when you talk to Him. It doesn't even really matter all that much what you talk to Him about, He just so enjoys having a conversation with you. He missed you! 

What a great Truth, huh? Like I said earlier, some of you may understand better than others how Jesus has given me a deeper understanding of this, but regardless, I hope you believe this Truth of how Jesus feels about YOU personally! AND I hope you stick around for more, because there's a lot more wonderful Truths where that came from that I'd love to share! :)

1 comment:

  1. Made me think of the song by Wayne Watson,
    It's the cry of my heart to follow You
    Not a heart that runs away from trial
    But a spirit full of power...
    Blessings to you!
