Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This morning I got to catch up with Arlene after almost a month apart. I forgot how much I missed her. She's pretty special. Who is Arlene? Why is she special? I'm so glad you asked! :)
Arlene is an 87 (and a half) year old woman of God living here in Sioux Center. We got connected through my internship with ATLAS. She needed someone to help her scrapbook about her adventures in Africa. I had no idea who she was, but I can be a little crafty when necessary, and I love Africa, so I took up the offer!
This is what I wrote in our Intern Summer Journal back on June 24th . . .

This week Tuesday & Friday mornings, I got to spend a couple hours each with Arlene Schuiteman. I could tell within my first few minutes of talking with her that she was going to be a huge blessing in my life. She is 87 years old and still completely on fire for God, which is definitely refreshing and encouraging to see! In telling me a fairly short summary of her life as a  missionary nurse in Africa for 35+ years, I could already see much of myself in her as far as her calling and what she desired to do for God’s Kingdom. It’s hard to explain what I was feeling, but I was just overcome with this feeling that God definitely knew what He was doing when He put Arlene in my life. I am super excited to see what God has in store for this new relationship. As I was leaving her house Tuesday morning, Arlene gave me a hug and commented that it was like having another little sister again. I can’t wait to find out what this older Sister in Christ has to teach me.  :)

So today, we got to talk again. She just got back last week from a 3 week trip to Africa! Yep. You read that right--an 87 1/2 year old is still a world-traveler. (And she's planning on going again over Christmas break.) As she was telling me about all her adventures, I was just thinking back over all the conversations we've had in the past 4 months. In a lot of ways, she knows me better than almost anyone, and we share so many of the same ideas/experiences. Crazy, huh? Who could have guessed that a 20 year old and 87 year old could be such good friends? Crazy, but awesome. That's the kind of God we serve.
Here's to thanking God for every good and perfect gift and looking forward to what crazy packages He has in store for me next.

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