Monday, December 2, 2013

Isaiah & Advent

Even though there are hundreds--probably thousands--of devotionals out there for this advent season, this year I've decided to simply read through the book of Isaiah. I think this book talks about Jesus coming more than any other--and not just His first one. From what I remember of reading through Isaiah before, there are a lot of prophecies made by Isaiah that have yet to be fulfilled.

So during this advent season, I'll be going through a few chapters a day and taking note of both the promises that have been fulfilled and the ones that are yet to come. But I won't stop there with just taking note of them. I'll go one step further and pray those promises right back to God.
Now why would I do something like that? I'm glad you asked! :)

You see, God wants His children to partner with Him in asking Him to bring forth His promises. Yes, they will happen without our asking on the one fact that God promised them, but should that stop us from interceding? We have an important and honorable role in stepping in and asking God to bring them forth.

This is where I think God's omnipotence can be given too much credit. Now hear me out: Yes, He is able to do all things. No, He doesn't need our help or intercession at all. But He sure does want it, and I think it saddens Him when His children think they don't need to ask for anything because it's all going to happen the way that He wants anyway. I really, truly believe that's not how it works. He moves according to our asking.

AND because He's such a very kind and helpful God, He's already told us what to pray for. Beyond that, I think God does it that way because He uses the "foolish things of the world to shame the wise." We aren't asking God for anything He hasn't already told us to ask for. We're not coming up with these fancy requests on our own. I mean, it is pretty foolish from a worldly point of view to sit there with our eyes closed, talking to "Someone," asking Him to bring forth promises that He wrote in a book thousands of years ago. But by doing it this way, it keeps us humble and all the glory goes to God! Goodness, what a wise God we serve, too! :)

Stay tuned for promises--fulfilled & yet to come--and prayers to pray with me to go along with them! :)

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