Friday, May 31, 2013

Job Search

Jesus has been doing some miraculous work on my heart and is bringing me to a time of SPRING! :)
So, Friends, I'm on a hunt for a job...or at least, something to do after the summer is over. :)
For the past few months, people have been asking (way too often for my preference) what I'm going to do now. I think I was always able to give a slight smile and casually say "I don't know, I guess we'll see..." But really, I wanted to say something more like "Well, my entire world just got flipped upside down, so to be honest, I don't really care what I do for a job right now. I had hopes and dreams of marrying this guy, moving to Washington, and starting a exciting new adventure there. Do you have any idea what it feels like to have all those hopes taken away from you? And on top of all that--the feeling of rejection? The feeling that you're not good enough to be wanted by the man that you thought loved you & wanted to spend the rest of his life with you? The feeling that his family didn't think you were a good enough fit? I'm not in any state of mind to be thinking about my job. I'm just trying to get through the day without bursting into tears, thankyou very much."
Okay, I know that sounds kind of sassy, and I know people were just trying to be nice. But like I said, Jesus has been bringing healing. So now I'm ready to tell anyone who's interested a little bit about what I've been looking into.
#1- World Race. It's 11 countries in 11 months. Pretty sweet, huh? Yes, I'm very intrigued, but it's hard for me to know if God really wants me to do this. I gladly will, but I also don't want to be like Jonah and take off for some country when God really is telling me to stay in Iowa. I know there aren't any big fishies that can swallow me on my way over, but I would like to have His full approval before finishing my application...So--I wait. :)
#2- Admissions Counselor. I loved Dordt! and I'm proud to say that I had at least somewhat of a role of getting at least 4 people that I know to come there! Whoop whoop! I would have no problem talking up this wonderful college. One drawback is that the opening technically started in May and they're waiting for it to be filled. So if I applied now and got it, then my summer plans get thrown out the window. Is this is the sacrifice I'm supposed to make?
#3- Good ole' school teacher. I'm still casually searching for a middle school teaching position in 3 major places. Northwest Iowa, California, & Florida. But I feel like I won't just jump at any opportunity. I want to apply somewhere that I'm actually excited about teaching at, not just a "well, I guess I'll apply here..." I haven't had any feelings of excitement yet. (Other than an opening back in Lynden for 8th grade social studies & Bible teacher...)

So far, I haven't had any major feelings of direction yet. I really, really want God to give me super clear clarity of where He wants me to go. I want Him to clearly close all other doors and leave one wide open where He wants me to be. But I also have to accept that sometimes there maybe isn't a specific place. Sometimes He lovingly allows us to make our own decisions. I've heard it described as us being in a fenced in pasture. As long as we stay within the fence, He doesn't mind if we're over in the corner, smack in the middle, or somewhere in between. So I guess I'll have to wait to find out if this is a pasture situation or if there's one specific one that He wants for me to choose.

Good thing He's been teaching me to get so good at waiting, huh?? :)

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