Any of you remember reading that on your school papers? Not only do specifics help teachers know that you understand what you're learning or help spruce up a mediocre story, but specifics are great for drawing you closer to the heart of God!
Yup. It's true. I am convinced that being specific with God is one of the best ways of falling more in love with Him.
Just exactly what do I mean? Let me be more specific. ;)
I don't know about you, but I have been raised in a loving, Christian home, church, and school. I knew that God loved me and I knew that I loved God. But if anyone ever asked me WHY I love God, I'm not sure what I would all say. I do know I would have said that I love Him for saving me from my sins so that I get to spend eternity with Him instead of hell. I also would probably even say that I love Him for giving me a family and friends and food and shelter. But that sounds a bit like I love a pop-machine-god, doesn't it? It sounds like I love what I GET from God rather than loving HIM--loving His character, loving Him regardless of what He does or doesn't give me only because of WHO He is.
Before my senior year of high school, I had to read
The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne before going on a three week long serve trip to Mexico. I can still remember a quote from that book that struck me big time. "If there were no heaven and no hell, would you still follow Jesus? Would you follow Him for the life, joy, and fulfillment He gives you right now?" Quite the question, huh? It's a good reality check to ask yourself what is it that gives you life and joy and fulfillment? Is is the THINGS you get from God or is it God Himself? Does simply being in God's presence and talking with Him give you joy and fulfillment? Have you ever even experienced that before? Oh, I so hope so, because it's absolutely wonderful.
Seriously, though. This is important. Because if God Himself (not what He gives) doesn't give you joy and fulfillment, then that's a sure sign that you need more specifics! (PLEASE!)
But don't look at this as a task assigned by your teacher to spruce up your essay. In no way is this intended to be some boring assignment. Being specific with God revives your spirit in ways you will experience noway else. Give it a try! It is anything BUT boring. Can I suggest going through the alphabet and writing down at least one word that describes God? But don't stop there--because I know most of us are pretty good and knowing all the different names of Jesus. Keep going into the specifics of WHY He is...
Specifically write down what God has done in YOUR life that has revealed how He is each of the things you wrote down. Do not look at other people's lives. You don't have to. God works in your own life PLENTY. And that's a guarantee. It's just a matter of looking in the right way. If you go through life saying "I love God because He's so awesome. He's so holy, etc" then plain and simple, you will not grow in your love for Him. Your HEART needs to connect with these words and they're not going to unless you reflect on WHY.
Think about it. This love relationship with God is resembled in the relationship between a husband and wife. When the couple first starts courting, they're not going to move onto marriage unless they've seriously reflected on what it is they LOVE about their lover. They need to have gotten specific about their lover's character traits. If I loved my boyfriend only because of the things he's given me, that is NOT love. I love him because of WHO he is. And I know who he is because I have specifically thought about it. And I DO love the things he has given me but it is because they point to his generosity and his thoughtfulness and his sweetness. I know I would seriously be hurting his heart if I told him I loved him because he gives me things. So I'm gonna guess we're hurting God's heart if we tell Him the same thing.
So I'm not doing that anymore. I've gotten specific with God and tell Him exactly why I love who He is. And let me tell ya, it's the best thing! God loves to show me even deeper parts of His character and I can't help but be even more captivated. After all, He created me that way! Isn't that cool? I sure think so. :)
Alright, I think I've made my case. So here's my last little bit of encouragement to go get specific so you can find out just how captivating Jesus really is. :) I can guarantee that He won't let ya down.