Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain.” So God granted what he requested.Bless Me Indeed
"God longs for you to believe with all your heart that His nature is to give good things to His children. Then you will be able to ask for God's blessings, fully believing that He is delighted by your request."
"Jabez left it entirely up to God to decide what shape--how, when, and in what form--His blessing would come. Who knows what better what to give us than God?...This doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't pray for specifics. It just means that praying for a specific need to be met is different than praying, 'Bless me' and waiting for God to give us what He alone knows will do just that."
Well, I feel pretty blessed already--isn't it selfish to ask for even more blessings?
"The more blessed we become, the more our blessings overflow to others...One of God's main purposes in blessing you is so you can then touch others in ways that move them close to Him."
"We ask according to God's greatness and not according to our worthiness. The kind of blessing we are asking for is not given on the basis of performance but on God's goodness alone. For that reason, God is honored in direct proportion to the magnitude of our requests."
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